What Price? - April 18th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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April 18th, 2009

[Apr. 18th, 2009|10:51 am]


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Who: Emma Dobbs and Lucille Granger
What: Chane encounter leads to talk of cameras, sightseeing, and discussion of Big Ben.
When: Late March 2009
Where: By Nelson's Column, then the National Café.

Saw the ravens at the Tower. Didn't take the inside tour, though. Wasn't feeling well that day. )
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Backstory: Fleur and Oliver discuss how to recruit Viktor [Apr. 18th, 2009|06:24 pm]
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Who: Fleur Weasley and Oliver Wood
When: April 2009
What: Fleur has a favour to ask Oliver regarding Viktor and the Order
Where: Shell Cottage

Viktor Krum? As in the Viktor Krum? )
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Backstory: Gavrail and Justin [Apr. 18th, 2009|08:04 pm]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Gavrail Iliev, Justin Finch-Fletchley, NPC Mikhail, NPC Nikolai
When: late February 2009
What: Gavrail and Justin meet again, but unfortunately their conversation is cut short when Gavrail's 'friends' come out.
Where: Outside the Russian Orthodox Church

What is 'sugarcoat'? )
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Backstory: Therapy Comes In Many Forms [Apr. 18th, 2009|09:07 pm]


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Who: D Dursley and Adrian Pucey
When: Mid Feb, 2009
Where: Pucey and Pye clinic
What: Dealing with an addict has unexpected problems

But if this is some sort of scam and I'm gonna be back here in six hours with that kid in a tub with his kidney's gone, just come out with it? )
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...fall was always left in your eyes, like a fleck of yellow light... [Apr. 18th, 2009|10:16 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |okay]
[Current Music |"Weeping Willow" - The Hush Sound]

Who: Penelope Clearwater & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Some help with paperwork
When: February, 2009
Where: A park in London
Rating: G

I suppose unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere, the weather can always be better. )
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I thought I lost you somewhere but you were never really there at all [Apr. 18th, 2009|10:50 pm]
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Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Andrew Kirke, Karl (NPC), Mary Kirke (NPC) & Hendrix
What: A run in with an old ex, Andrew's protective streak and a new addition to the household
Where: Manchester, England
When: March, 2009
Rating: R for language and passing violence

You're the one with the ovaries, so I expect some mini-Kirkes running about in a couple years. All that's on you. )
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