What Price? - April 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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April 7th, 2009

[Backstory] Phillip/Samrat [Apr. 7th, 2009|08:06 pm]
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Who: Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
What: Phil and Sam discuss the problems of supply and scarcity within the relief camps in Ahmedabad. The issue of Phillip's priesthood comes up briefly.
Where: Ahmedabad, India
When: early March 2002
Rating: PG

Living in the camps made Samrat nervous. He found himself waking at odd hours, as he was now, and walking to the edge of the wire, circling the tents as he breathed slowly inward. Even at this hour, it was still not quiet. The hushed moans of lovers, the occasional cry of an infant, whimpers of pain... all of these broke the night as he began his circular walk. It was like a rat pacing its cage, trying to find an exit. Yet the only true barriers, he knew, were those that he had erected himself.

Phillip was doing his best to keep up with his prayers and spiritual life. After all, it was only by the grace of God and the fact that this was Sam and Hadi that he was able to endure it with patience. He had gone to the edge of the camp to say Compline, his battered prayer book clutched in his hand as he made his way back towards the tents when he spotted a familiar figure.

It can't be that much harder than war games at boy scout camp. )
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