What Price? - February 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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February 15th, 2009

[Backstory] Fleur/Samrat [Feb. 15th, 2009|08:18 pm]
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[Current Music |"I put a spell on you" : Natacha Atlas]

Who: Fleur Delacour-Weasley, Margaux Weasley, Marcel Weasley, and Samrat Amarnath
What: Fleur brings her children to visit their father and in the process meets his new business associate.
Where: Bill's boat
When: 2008
Rating: G

Fleur had come down to Plymouth with Marcel and Margaux for her agreed-on visitation with Bill. Marcel was old enough to toddle now, but she kept him in a Muggle stroller and let Margaux push occasionally. Bill, it seemed, was running a bit late--perhaps the weather for the crossing had been disagreeable--but she had also arrived earlier than expected. If he arrived in time, and things worked out, Fleur thought they might all go to Dartmoor to see the animals. That depended as much on Bill's mood as anything else, though, and Fleur hadn't promised the children anything in case Bill was having a bad day. Or in case he was running late, as he appeared to be.

She was not the only person waiting at the pier for Bill. While she was only vaguely acquainted with Bill's Muggle colleagues--the ones whose cargo business, some of which Fleur suspected was no more legal than Bill's wizarding cargos, financed the boat--she had learnt to recognise them when she saw them. She nodded vaguely at the gentleman and went back to soothing Marcel, who was cranky because his father wasn't here yet. Margaux was preoccupied with a book her grandparents had sent from France, but if Bill didn't arrive soon, she too would be bored and annoyed. Fleur hoped Bill's arrival was imminent and would forestall their daughter's sulks.

Not all questions require answers. )
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