What About This RPG?

(no subject) @ 03:22 pm

I've seen [info]gilded_mods / [info]gilded_court running around in the Harry Potter verse. Is it any good? Any bad? Anything at all?

EDIT // Thank you for all of your input. I have made my decision, and may I express how disappointed I am with the reaction of the players of [info]gilded_court.

Comments that do not pertain specifically to the game in question have been removed for a violation of [info]whatabouthisrpg rules.

(no subject) @ 10:38 pm

I have never done an online RPG but I have done several D&D style RPGs. I want to start out with something easy. I don't want to be in a Harry Potter or something based off of something else, I want it to be original so I can play a character that I made. Any suggestions?

What About This RPG?