weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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Tall, Dark, and a Perpetually Raised Brow [05 Jan 2010|09:24pm]
Greetings all! My name is Holli and I come bearing Cormac Murrough, a former knight of Redcliffe who now makes his living with odd mercenary jobs. In a bar, he'd be the one sitting alone, drinking a glass of apple juice. But I wouldn't tease him about it, it would most likely end poorly for you. He may have a pretty strict code of right and wrong, but he throws a mean right hook and has a chip on his shoulder the size of a brick.

He was born in Gwaren, of dubious legitimacy, to a knight and lady in the service of Teyrn Loghain. He lived there until the death of his mother as a young boy, after which he was sent to train as a squire under his uncle, Ser Perth of Redcliffe. He served the Arl of Redcliffe as a knight for many years loyally, until an evening of drink and bad temper started a bar fight that ended badly for the other knight involved. And by badly I mean decapitation.

After being stripped of his title and rank, Cormac's been wandering Ferelden with his Mabari, Shartan and taking mercenary contracts as he pleases. He's worked hard to control his temper and his volatile nature, and therefore refrains from using his berserker skills unless absolutely necessary. He's cool and collected most of the time, and if he starts to get worked up he'll walk away quickly. One could say he got the crash course in anger management. But he's loyal and stubborn to a fault, and comes dangerously close to being a good guy most of the time, feeling he has much to atone for.

He'll never strike the first blow, never kill a man unless absolutely necessary, and never touch a drop of alcohol again. But he will brood often, and very well.

Check out his profile page for the epic-length biography, or feel free to contact me anytime with questions. I look forward to meeting you all around Thedas!
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modly post #6.5 [05 Jan 2010|10:40pm]
Some updates and friendly reminders if you haven't done these things already:

1) Update your f-button, and welcome new people/characters!
2) Respond to our modly inquiry about Companions and where you'd like them to be in terms of future plot, post-Joining. Any other plot-related requests or inquiries you have for your characters can be directed here; comments on both entries are screened for your spoiler-free privacy.
3) Check out our updated FAQ. We've added a table of contents, clarified some answers (and rules), as well as included a bunch of resources for your icon/IJ needs. If there is anything else you would like us to include here, please don't hesitate to make a request.
4) Due to an overabundance of Humans, we're putting a temporary limit on them -- the main exception being any potential Templars, who are unlikely to be any other race, and are necessary to keep an eye on all these freeloading, trouble-making magi. Not to cramp anyone's creativity, but we would really love to balance out our numbers and introduce more diversity as we expand. If you know anyone who's still interested in joining, please let them know that we are especially looking for Elves and Dwarves, though other non-human characters (such as Qunari) would also be welcome.
5) I haz made some squiggly pretty mapz for u guize. First, here's a visual reference for the rough travel routes that are being taken to reach Amarathine. Secondly, here is a look at the future paths that will be taken by the groups for the post-Joining quests; these are absolute, but that should help in placing your characters in the appropriate area to be picked up by the Wardens if you haven't thought about it already.
6) ???
7) Profit.

In the words of a famous porcine stutterer, that's all, folks.
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