Aug. 22nd, 2007


Fic: First Encounter (Brad/Schu)

Title: First Encounter
Author: [info]schu_chan
Pairing/Characters: Brad Crawford, Schuldig
Words: 1750
Rating: PG13 (for language)
Disclaimer/claimer: I don’t own Weiss Kreuz. All belongs to Koyasu Takehito and Project Weiss.
Summary: The boy had a lot to learn and would go through many things before he would match the man he had seen in his visions.
A/N: written for [info]30_somethings. A slightly different take on how Crawford and Schuldig met.

First Encounter

Aug. 1st, 2007


Schudariel’s Desire

Title: Schudariel’s Desire
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Crack, complete and utter crack (with song parodies)
Word count: 1,763
Summary: If Weiss had gone Disney and merged to create a modern take on The Little Mermaid. Our red-haired hero (Schudariel) pines for his dark-haired prince (Braderic). Our hero’s sidekicks, Naounder and Farbastien, do not approve – especially when the dastardly villain (Ursafumi) enters the picture.
Note: Written for a challenge community.

Schudariel’s Desire )


The Road Foreseen

Title: The Road Foreseen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: implied abuse
Word count: 3,811
Summary: Historical AU. Nagi is a thief in medieval Baghdad and Crawford is a merchant from Europe. Takes place sometime between 830-870 A.D./C.E.
Note: Written for a challenge community.

The Road Foreseen )

Jun. 25th, 2007


Standing Outside the Fire

Title: Standing Outside the Fire
Author: GuiltyRed
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: worksafe for now but be advised later chapters may not be worksafe
Summary: Brad Crawford's back story
Author's Notes: This story begins near the end of the “Weiß Kreuz – Gluhen” sequence. The Koua Academy is in flames, the plans of Esset thwarted, and the psionic hunters slain – but all at a great cost.

Chapter 1

Jun. 23rd, 2007


Standing Outside the Fire

Title: Standing Outside the Fire
Author: GuiltyRed
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: worksafe for now but be advised later chapters may not be worksafe
Summary: Brad Crawford's back story
Author's Notes: This story begins near the end of the “Weiß Kreuz – Gluhen” sequence. The Koua Academy is in flames, the plans of Esset thwarted, and the psionic hunters slain – but all at a great cost.
Brad Crawford has been carried from the ruined building. Medical care awaits, but his wounds are grave. The psi-combat with Berger has taken a deep toll, and the Kritiker medics are not used to healing damage such as this. As Schuldig watches, helpless, from the sidelines, Brad Crawford sinks into a darkness from which he may never return…
