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Sep. 1st, 2007


Coming Home

Title: Coming Home
Schwarz fic; action; angst; some suspense
Character/Pairing: Crawford/Schuldig; Yohji/Schuldig; mention of past Farfarello/Schuldig
Rating: NC17
Comments: Probably not worksafe
Status: WIP - ongoing epic, part of my Cross of Changes Arc
Summary: Cave canem - beware the dog. The men of Schwarz have just bitten the hand that fed them, and must now flee into exile. Wounded in mind and body, with the full fury of Esset at their heels, the four begin their torturous journey to their ultimate fate.

Chapters 14-96 listed here


The Way We Were

Title: The Way We Were
Author: Maycat
Fandom: Schwarz :p
Rating/Warnings: PG for legal and illegal substance abuse and slightly implied violence
Words: 2422
Summary: A not-quite-serious vignette-ish story about Schwarz , before they were Schwarz, with some extra Red Shirts thrown in. Written from Nagi's perspective. 
Author's Notes:
This is one of (not yet finished) four stories that tell how Schwarz came to be, each from another team-member perspective, but it can be read as stand-alone. Read at your own risk, yelling at me for the mistakes made is welcome and appreciated. It makes more sense if you've seen Five Years Later or The Shampoo Ad
 (which is also a bit of a spoiler for this story).
Characters of Schwarz belong to whoever owns Weiss Kreuz series at the moment, I'm borrowing and returning them in one piece. OC's belong to themselves. 

Aug. 27th, 2007


Fic: Tangled: Chapter 3

Title: Tangled: Chapter 3
Author: white_cross_b
Type: Fiction
Characters: Chloe, Aya, Nana
Warnings: Violence
Beta: whymzycal, with story sounding board by orlisbunny

Chapter Summary: "I am interested," Aya replied. "But if I don't think I need you, I won't join you. It has to be a trade."

Chapter Three

Aug. 26th, 2007


Fic: "Selfish Trust"

Title: Selfish Trust
Genre: Drama, angst
Rating: PG-13 (some sexual themes)
Characters: Okita, Kurumi
Pairing: Okita/Kurumi
Summary: [Side B] Okita wants Kurumi to understand why he needs her.

( Selfish Trust )

Aug. 24th, 2007


Fic: "For More Than Nothing"

Title: For More Than Nothing
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Kurumi, Tsuji
Pairing: Tsuji/Kurumi
Summary: [Side B] While tending the flower shop alone, Kurumi receives a very unexpected visitor.

( For More Than Nothing )

Aug. 23rd, 2007


A Schwarz Day at the Convention

Title: A Schwarz day at the Convention 
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied  violence and murders; smuggling of alcohol into an alcohol-free environment;
Word Count: 1852
Summary: A drabble that grew up: Schwarz attends a Profesional Assasins Convention. And there'a a bit of Weiss, too. Not to be taken entirely seriously.
Author's Notes: Slight implied Youji/Schuldig and pre Nagi/Omi if you have lots of imagination. Connected to A Schwarz Day at the Convention (Warning: R-rated fanart under that link)

PAIn )

Aug. 22nd, 2007


Fic: "One More Time"

Title: One More Time
Genre: Romance, drama
Rating: R (for sex)
Characters: Hell, Schön
Pairing: Hell/Schön
Summary: Even two years after the fall of Schreient, Hell still feels there is something missing in her life.

( One More Time )


Fic: First Encounter (Brad/Schu)

Title: First Encounter
Author: [info]schu_chan
Pairing/Characters: Brad Crawford, Schuldig
Words: 1750
Rating: PG13 (for language)
Disclaimer/claimer: I don’t own Weiss Kreuz. All belongs to Koyasu Takehito and Project Weiss.
Summary: The boy had a lot to learn and would go through many things before he would match the man he had seen in his visions.
A/N: written for [info]30_somethings. A slightly different take on how Crawford and Schuldig met.

First Encounter

Aug. 20th, 2007


Fic: "Choices"

Title: Choices
Genre: Reflective, romance
Rating: PG
Characters: Kurumi, Mihirogi
Pairing: Mihirogi/Kurumi
Summary: [Side B] The choices we make today will always affect tomorrow. Kurumi wonders about that and whether or not she holds any regret about her choices.

( Choices )

Aug. 19th, 2007


Coming Home

Title: Coming Home
Schwarz fic; action; angst; some suspense
Character/Pairing: Crawford/Schuldig; Yohji/Schuldig; mention of past Farfarello/Schuldig
Rating: NC17
Comments: Probably not worksafe
Status: WIP - ongoing epic, part of my Cross of Changes Arc
Summary: Cave canem - beware the dog. The men of Schwarz have just bitten the hand that fed them, and must now flee into exile. Wounded in mind and body, with the full fury of Esset at their heels, the four begin their torturous journey to their ultimate fate.

Chapter 12: I toweled my hair, rejoicing in the fresh feel and smell of being really clean at last.

Chapter 13: I exhaled, forcing my stress out with the spent air. He was obsessing over Nagi again.


Aug. 18th, 2007


Fic: "My Angel In Red"

Title: My Angel In Red
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Characters: Aya-chan, Manx, Momoe
Pairing: Manx/Aya-chan
Summary: When Aya-chan opened her eyes, she thought she was in Heaven. Even now, two months later, she still thinks of her angel in red.

( My Angel In Red )

Aug. 16th, 2007


Fic: "Two Sides"

Title: Two Sides
Genre: Just plain weird
Rating: PG
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Aya/Sakura if you squint really hard.
Summary: The lives of Aya and Sakura are as different as night and day. Yet, they can still run parallel to each other.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #13 - excessive chain, #14 - radio-cassette player, #17 - kHz (kilohertz), #23 - candy, and #28 - Wada Calcium CD3.

( Two Sides )

Aug. 15th, 2007


Fic: Tangled: Chapter 2

Title: Tangled: Chapter 2
Author: white_cross_b
Type: Fiction
Warnings: Violence
Beta: whymzycal, with story sounding board by orlisbunny
Chapter Two Summary: Chloe barely recognized Aya, who was curled up on the ground, several policemen standing over him and beating him for all they were worth. "They're going to kill him," Chloe gasped, throwing the car into park and leaping out, Nana on his heels.

Chapter Two

Aug. 14th, 2007


Fic: "Serene Blue"

Title: Serene Blue
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Aya/Sakura
Summary: As an assassin, Aya doesn't deserve love. But he's grateful for this chance at love.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #1 - look over here, #12 - in a good mood, #15 - perfect blue, #27 - overflow, and #29 - the sound of waves.

( Serene Blue )


Fic: Vacation (Brad/Schu)

Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Title: Vacation
Author: [info]schu_chan
Pairing/Characters: Brad Crawford/Schuldig
Words: 1484
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer/claimer: I don’t own Weiss Kreuz. All belongs to Koyasu Takehito and Project Weiss.
Summary: "I have a feeling some of our guests will not make it to dinner.”
A/N: written for [info]30_somethings


Aug. 12th, 2007


Fic: Tangled

Title: Tangled: Chapter 1/?
Author: white_cross_b
Type: Fiction
Warnings: Violence
Beta: bunnysquee
Chapter One: Chloe's first meeting with Aya on the streets of New York

Chapter One

[[sorry if you're seeing this everywhere. I'm just now starting to make the move over to IJ]]


Fic: "Kiss Goodnight"

Title: Kiss Goodnight
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Aya/Sakura
Summary: It is just another cold night as Aya walks Sakura home.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #18 - "say ahh…," #20 - the road home, #22 - cradle, #24 - good-night, and #25 - fence.

( Kiss Goodnight )

Aug. 10th, 2007


Fic: "Our World"

Title: Our World
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Characters: Weiß, Sakura, Aya-chan
Pairing: Aya/Sakura
Summary: After a nearly fatal mission, Aya is fighting for his life. While between dream and reality, he wonders about his reasons for existing.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #6 - the space between dream and reality, #8 - our own world, #10 - 10, #11 - gardenia, and #19 - red.

( Our World )

Aug. 8th, 2007


Fic: "Running"

Title: Running
Genre: General
Rating: G
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Hints of Aya/Sakura
Summary: Sakura is a runner. But is she only trying to run away?
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #2 - news; letter, #3 - jolt!, #7 - superstar, #9 - dash, and #16 - invincible, unrivaled.

( Running )

Aug. 7th, 2007


Coming Home

Title: Coming Home
Schwarz fic; action; angst; some suspense
Character/Pairing: Crawford/Schuldig; Yohji/Schuldig; mention of past Farfarello/Schuldig
Rating: NC17
Comments: Probably not worksafe
Status: WIP - ongoing epic, part of my Cross of Changes Arc
Summary: Cave canem - beware the dog. The men of Schwarz have just bitten the hand that fed them, and must now flee into exile. Wounded in mind and body, with the full fury of Esset at their heels, the four begin their torturous journey to their ultimate fate.

Chapter 10 -  I looked up. We were parked in front of a traditional Japanese home, rather large and immaculate on the outside, with a vast garden stretching away toward the treeline.

Chapter 11 - Brad gathered me into his arms and I pressed my face against his wet t-shirt and sobbed.


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