March 7th, 2008

[info]guiltyred_fics in [info]weiss_kreuz

Urotsukiyohji (Yohji/Crawford)

Title: Urotsukiyohji
Author/Artist: GuiltyRed
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Tentacles
Word count: 1845
Summary: Crawford follows up on a report from Masafumi only to find something even he can’t manage to control.
Prompt: Yohji/Crawford: Tentacle sex - he turned around and stared at an experiment gone wrong, he was going to have a talk with Takatori about Masafumi, he needed Weiss alive...and human.
A/N: The title is a pun on the, er, seminal tentacle hentai “Urotsukidoji” – forgive me?  ~_^

