August 22nd, 2007

[info]white_cross_b in [info]weiss_kreuz

Weiss Side B

Because I love Weiss Side B so much, I've decided to try to campaign to get it published in English. I know that a lot of you are interested in Side B, or would be interested if you could actually read it. Please take a minute to sign this online petition that I've made so I can get together something to present to TokyoPop and/or Viz and see what can get done.

Publish Weiss Side B Manga In English

Please post this in your journals, on your websites, anywhere that will help spread the word.

Thanks so much!

[info]star_of_heaven in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: "One More Time"

Title: One More Time
Genre: Romance, drama
Rating: R (for sex)
Characters: Hell, Schön
Pairing: Hell/Schön
Summary: Even two years after the fall of Schreient, Hell still feels there is something missing in her life.

( One More Time )

[info]schu_chan in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: First Encounter (Brad/Schu)

Title: First Encounter
Author: [info]schu_chan
Pairing/Characters: Brad Crawford, Schuldig
Words: 1750
Rating: PG13 (for language)
Disclaimer/claimer: I don’t own Weiss Kreuz. All belongs to Koyasu Takehito and Project Weiss.
Summary: The boy had a lot to learn and would go through many things before he would match the man he had seen in his visions.
A/N: written for [info]30_somethings. A slightly different take on how Crawford and Schuldig met.

First Encounter