August 16th, 2007

[info]star_of_heaven in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: "Two Sides"

Title: Two Sides
Genre: Just plain weird
Rating: PG
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Aya/Sakura if you squint really hard.
Summary: The lives of Aya and Sakura are as different as night and day. Yet, they can still run parallel to each other.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #13 - excessive chain, #14 - radio-cassette player, #17 - kHz (kilohertz), #23 - candy, and #28 - Wada Calcium CD3.

( Two Sides )

[info]raerae in [info]weiss_kreuz


Title: Bloodstained Snow
Artist: Raerae
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood/Violence
Author's Notes: This is a scene from a Schu/Yo fic I wanted to write, but my writing skilled are rather woeful! XD just have this picture. Emjoy.

Bloodstained Snow )
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