August 14th, 2007

[info]schu_chan in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: Vacation (Brad/Schu)

Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Title: Vacation
Author: [info]schu_chan
Pairing/Characters: Brad Crawford/Schuldig
Words: 1484
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer/claimer: I don’t own Weiss Kreuz. All belongs to Koyasu Takehito and Project Weiss.
Summary: "I have a feeling some of our guests will not make it to dinner.”
A/N: written for [info]30_somethings


[info]star_of_heaven in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: "Serene Blue"

Title: Serene Blue
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Aya/Sakura
Summary: As an assassin, Aya doesn't deserve love. But he's grateful for this chance at love.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #1 - look over here, #12 - in a good mood, #15 - perfect blue, #27 - overflow, and #29 - the sound of waves.

( Serene Blue )