June 22nd, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]weiss_kreuz

New Drabble Asylum

I wasn't going to do this, but since we have had some people come over from LJ for good, I figured they deserved to have some of the communities that they left behind.

So I have created the [info]weisskreuz100. For those of you familiar with the wk_100 at LJ - it's basically a knock off. Much love to tosca and penelope there, but we need our own asylum for those of us that aren't going back.

For those that aren't that familiar - it is a 100-word drabble community. Look us up! It's really a lot of fun. ^_~

First prompt will start on Monday, June 25. I really hope to see some of you there!

crossposted at [info]weiss_yaoi