June 10th, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]weiss_kreuz


Okay you guys, I *know* that we have some fiction writers and artists out there.  So, I am giving you a bit of a challenge.

This challenge is designed to get you all posting, so don't be shy!

I would like to see what you could do with these prompts:

1. A rainy night under a bridge
2. Board Games
3. Spring Cleaning
4. "______ wants it today!"
5. A rumor runs wild
6. Chain Letter
7. Pineapple
8. Mission hiccups 
9. Magic 8 Ball
10. Letting it go

So, what can you do with those?  For fiction: I will expect at least 100 words.  Remember to use the posting format found in the asylum profile.

Artists and writers, let your imaginations run wild!!