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[09 Jul 2012|03:10am]
Who: Heathie and Lizzie
What: A conversation.
Where: Lizzie's apartment.
When: Backdated like crazy whoa. Will get back to you on this.
Rating: S for Sappy
Status: In progress

This was ridiculous. )
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Owl to Glinda [09 Jul 2012|05:30pm]
To my future daughter-in-law,

I can't tell you how thrilled Hayden and I were when we found out that our son had finally decided to settle down - and with such a wonderful woman too. It was a pity we had to find out via the newspaper, of course, but I'm sure in the excitement of being newly engaged it slipped your mind to let us know. I do hope your own parents didn't find out in the same manner.

You and Myron simply must come over for dinner soon. What are your plans on Thursday evening? Emily and Anna will be able to tell you all about planning their own weddings. It was such a pity you missed Anna's. She was married on Valentine's Day this year and it was such a gorgeous wedding. She's pregnant now, did you know? They announced it at our last family dinner, which we were hoping Myron would bring you to, but he chose to ignore my owl as he frequently does. I'm going to be relying on you, dear, to keep him in line and remind him of his family obligations. Just because he doesn't get his own way is no reason to ignore his family.

It is such a weight off my mind to know that he has you back, Glinda. I've been so worried about him ever since you left him. He really seemed to go off the rails and nothing we said or did seemed to help at all. I was afraid we might have ended up with another son-in-law, which I suppose is at least better than what was happening before.

I am so looking forward to discussing the wedding with you, dear. Have you and Myron set the date yet? Christmas would be a magical time for a wedding, though it's probably too late to book anything at this late stage.

With love from your future mother-in-law,
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