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[06 Jul 2012|06:59pm]
Who: Electra and Merton
What: Portkey relay
Where: Russia to Fiji, and multiple points in between
When: Saturday, July 7th
Rating: Likely PG
Status: In progress

Merton and his luggage had been seen off early in the morning by his relatives at House-upon-the-Green (a rough and terrible English translation to encompass the history and culture of the manor), and processed by security at the nearby portkey-point with time enough for mid-morning tea before the scheduled arrival of Merton's escort.

He hadn't minded the idea of traveling on his own, but between his aunt and uncle threatening to escort him themselves rather than risk anything happening to their nephew, and the missives from the band's management giving the vague but still immovable impression that Merton was an asset and not to be lost in the wilds of Cambodia, he hadn't thought it worth the protest. And with the number of portkeys he'd have to take to reach Fiji, he was somewhat grateful that there might be someone with him if his stomach reacted poorly to feeling like he'd been repeatedly yanked from water on a fishhook.

The escort who appeared right on schedule was unsurprising, in that Electra spent quite a lot of her time on duty escorting them places, and only unexpected because Merton had thought she'd be with the others traveling from England. Perhaps they were on different timetables. If so, Electra must have been logging more than her fair share of portkey hours with this venture.

Merton picked up the neat government-issue shrink-safe travel bag containing almost all of his belongings, and hefted the cello case - which would not be shrunk, Transfigured, security screened in a potentially damaging fashion, or otherwise ensorcelled in the slightest - over his shoulder. Electra didn't look too peakish, thankfully, although Merton hadn't remembered her being quite this...short. Maybe he'd had a growth spurt of half an inch or so over the past week. It was a strange feeling.

"Thank you for coming," he told her, stepping over to join her. "Would you like some tea? Can I get you anything? Water, or something to eat?"
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