Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[19 May 2012|11:12pm]
Who: Glinda and Lizzie
What: A gift, and some friendly advice
Where: Athens, Greece
When: Saturday, May 19th, before soundcheck
Rating: PG-13 for discussion topics
Status: In progress

Glinda had sent Myron off to get ready for soundcheck, after a round of reunion hugs and cheek-kisses and suggestive teasing all around with those she knew on the tour, and was planning to find Lee again and ask her where the best place to listen and watch from would be, while they were working onstage, but she had something to do first. Spotting a head of bright, coppery hair was easy enough, and it didn't look like Glinda would be interrupting anything, so she headed over in that direction.

"Lizzie, right?" Glinda asked, smiling. "I'm Glinda. I saw you briefly after the awards, but it was quite a night, so I thought I'd introduce myself properly and say hello."
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