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[15 May 2012|01:14am]
Who: Open to All
What: Pancake breakfast (brunch) for the hungover and victorious
Where: Founding flat
When: Monday morning
Rating: G for Gross, sorry everyone!
Status: In progress

Glinda woke, for the first time in quite a while, on a Monday morning, to something other than her alarm whistling obnoxiously cheerful birdsong, and although it was hard to tell time of day through the well-shrouded window, she suspected, knowing the time she'd fallen into bed last night - or rather, this morning - that it was a good deal later than she normally awoke.

Thank Circe this business with the tournament and the awards was over. Glinda was going to enjoy having a nice lie-in.

The bed was unfamiliar, but with the number of people that had been crammed in and looked likely to crash at the flat last night, it had seemed more sensible for Glinda to share with Kirley and Myron in Kirley's room, and leave Myron's much larger bed for anyone who didn't end up on one of the couches. And at nearly dawn when the party had finally started dying down, she'd been too tired to care overmuch where she slept, so long as there was a pillow.

Myron stirred slightly when she got up, but he was sandwiched between her and Kirley, both of their arms around him and looking rather like the cat who'd bathed in cream, so she kissed him on the cheek, murmured, "Go back to sleep," and slipped off to the loo. And then, well, she was up. Surveying the damage done to the common room and kitchen, she sighed, a smile already teasing its way out, and tied her hair up out of her face. Sunday, Monday, whatever. It had been a long time since she'd made pancakes in this flat.
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