Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[06 May 2012|04:03am]
Who: Myron and Donaghan
What: The Talk
Where: Founding Flat
When: Friday, May 4, 1995, around noon
Rating: PG-13 most likely
Status: In progress

Myron was humming to himself while he made a sandwich... )
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[06 May 2012|02:57pm]
Who: The Band plus anyone wanting to watch or participating?
What: Three Legged Pub Crawl for the WWN TriMusician Tournament
Where: Tent outside WWN headquarters, then the pubs!
When: Friday 3-6
Rating: PG-13? Though Myron is around...
Status: In progress
Rules: here

Welcome to the three-legged pub crawl and scavenger hunt, the first task in the WWN Trimusician Tournament! )
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[ viewing | May 6th, 2012 ]
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