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[26 Apr 2012|02:46pm]
Who: Fox, Danny, and Merton
What: A birthday surprise turned even more surprising
Where: Chez Pretty
When: Thursday, April 26, early evening
Rating: PG-13, hopefully. Danny and Fox, I am looking at you.
Status: Complete

Danny had brought his new and much-discussed boyfriend home with him after their date, which caused Merton flee the couch, where he'd been curled up drinking tea and reading Márquez, for the haven of his room. He was happy for Danny, but preferred to be happy for him at a distance from his foul-mouthed, graphically inappropriate, piss-taking boyfriend. Besides which, he didn't at all want to know what they were getting up to on that couch.

He'd still been able to hear it, however, so after a few horrifying minutes, the music had gone on and he'd settled in with Kneazle Kneazle overpowering the wet noises and murmuring from the common room. He'd gotten lost in reading after that, until the moment he reached for his teacup, saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and froze.

There was a dragon on his wall. One of the ones from Giddy's room, hovering beside Merton's window, wings beating slowly just enough to stay aloft. Merton didn't know how it had gotten out, but it didn't belong in here, and it was drinking his tea.

He recoiled so fast he nearly fell off the bed, and the dragon snorted, raising its head to look at the wizard disturbing its refreshment. Merton moved much more slowly on his second attempt, backing away off the bed until he'd reached his door, eyes never leaving the dragon which had returned, unmolested, to enjoying Merton's afternoon tea. He reached behind him for the handle, turning the knob slowly...and then felt something brush his cheek.

There was another dragon, long and whip-thin, draped over his lintel, tail lashing idly as it studied him. Upon receiving Merton's attention, it regarded him thoughtfully, and then let out a single contemplative puff of smoke.

Merton slammed the door open so hard it banged against the wall in the hallway, and sped out to...stare in horror at the walls and ceiling of the common room. Merlin Ambrosius. They were everywhere.
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[26 Apr 2012|10:20pm]
Who: Donaghan and Glinda
When: Evening of April 25, 1995
Where: Glinda's flat
What: Advice! Thank Jesus.
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and maybe some talk of sexytiems? None on screen though, obviously.
Status: In Progress!

Found you with a bottle of wine, your head in the curtains and heart like the Fourth of July )
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