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Owl to Giddy, received too late? [02 Apr 2012|01:37pm]
Mr. Crumb,

I haven't seen you on the journal network today, so possibly you are unaware that a situation has arisen with the press. Please contact me as soon as you receive this Owl, and in the meantime, try to stay either indoors or away from Wizarding London.


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[02 Apr 2012|04:26pm]
Who: Glinda and Myron.
What: Myron ambushes Glinda in order to apologise and it gets out of hand in a way that only Myron could manage.
Where: WWN in London.
When: Mid-afternoon, Monday, April 2, 1995. aka Glinda’s birthday.
Rating: MA - 15+
Status: Complete.
Note: The song that Myron sings a cappella in this log is broadcast live on the WWN.

There was a sudden scramble on the other side of the office as someone raced off to alert the current radio DJ that Myron Wagtail was about to sing a brand new song right there in their office. )
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Media Storm. [02 Apr 2012|04:56pm]
After this scene in which Myron serenades Glinda on the radio, the following media storm flares up:

This is the photo that accompanies every article as it is the only one in circulation. (Just pretend it’s moving ;) )

The complete lyrics to the song can be found here.

TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 )



FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1995 )

MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1995 )
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