Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[19 Mar 2012|01:19pm]
[OOC: Backdated - delivered by Meaghan, probably on the 14th]

Left on Myron's hotel-room pillow by Kirley's nosy sister )
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[19 Mar 2012|03:31pm]
Who: Myron and Glinda.
What: A Weird Sister shows up for an interview, but not the one Glinda is expecting.
Where: WWN in London.
When: Monday, March 19, 1998
Rating: PG-13 most likely for a hell of a lot of language.
Status: Complete.

Myron had barely said yes, he would do the interview when a portkey was thrust into his hands and he was being whisked off to the WWN offices in London. )
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