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Weird Sisters PSL

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[03 Mar 2012|05:10pm]
Who: Cade and Danny.
What: Drunken confessions.
Where: A wizarding club in Munich.
When: Late Friday night/early hours of Saturday morning, March 2/3 1995.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete.

All in all, it had been an educational evening, and Cade felt transformed. He was also very, very drunk, and when that wore off, it was anyone's guess whether the transformation would stick. )
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[03 Mar 2012|10:17pm]
Who: Giselle and Lizzie
Where: Crew Bus, between Germany and Switzerland?
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

Another one done and gone )
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[Owl to Donaghan and Kirley] [03 Mar 2012|10:35pm]
Dear Donaghan and Kirley,

I hope you'll forgive me taking the liberty; enclosed is a recorded copy of the interview you did for the WWN to promote your European tour and the WWN Valentine's Day event. I'm sorry I missed that, by the way; I'm sure you both simply couldn't stand having beautiful, rich women fight over you by throwing huge gobs of money away in the desperate hope of spending one evening with you. Anyway, your manager has the official copy of the interview, but I thought you might want one yourselves, as a souvenir. You probably won't be able to keep them for much longer, as successful as you've become, or you'll be drowning in them soon.

I hope the tour is going well, and will be overjoyed to watch your journey as you climb higher. You deserve all the success this album brings, and I wish you both all the best.

Warmest regards,
Glinda Prescott
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