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Owl to Gerald -- BACKDATED -- sent Wednesday February 15th. [21 Feb 2012|05:54pm]
With a bulging envelope attached )
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Owls to...several people [21 Feb 2012|07:49pm]

{Myron left his journal out, Donaghan saw Gerald's entry to Myron and had some...issues. These went out late Monday night, copies to offices and personal addresses if Donaghan could manage it.}

Owl to Gerald, copies sent to Alair, Gerald's boss, and the label's main office )
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[21 Feb 2012|10:27pm]
Who: All the Barbary's
When: February 21
Where: The Barbary farm
What: A Barbary family dinner.
Rating: G at worst.
Status: In progress

Just because I look like you doesn't mean anything, you know )
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