Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[28 Jan 2012|09:22am]
Who: Meaghan and Gerald.
What: Meaghan quits the tour.
Where: Gerald's office.
When: Monday morning, January 30, 1995.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

Meaghan wasn't looking forward to this, though it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as telling Kirley. )
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[28 Jan 2012|03:02pm]
Who: Myron and Merton.
What: Neither of the boys can sleep.
Where: On the bottom level of the bus, on the couch.
When: The early hours of Saturday morning, January 28, 1995.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

He couldn't sleep, so he had made a nest for himself with everything he could possibly need close to hand. )
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