Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[24 Jan 2012|02:45am]
Who: Donaghan and Myron
Where: Myron and Kirley's room on the bus
When: January 21, directly after this
What: Beffie cuddles, possibly venting, probably sleeping?
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: In Progress

broken down on memory lane )
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[24 Jan 2012|10:39am]
Who: Kirley and Myron.
What: Talk about Alair, among other things.
Where: On the couch, on the bottom floor of the boys bus.
When: BACKDATED -- Afternoon of Wednesday, January 11th, before this show.
Rating: PG-13. No, really.
Status: Complete.

If this involves the use of any item the immediate purpose of which would not be obvious to an innocent bystander, I think I said last time I’m ok not knowing details. )
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[24 Jan 2012|11:07am]
Who: Meaghan and Nora.
What: Debriefing.
Where: Nora's flat in London.
When: January 21, 1995, the early hours of Sunday morning really, after the concert and after helping Opie pack away all the merch.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete.

Today had been quite possibly one of the worst of Meaghan's life )
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