Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[22 Jan 2012|12:54am]
Who: Meaghan and Opie
When: Jan 21, after concert
Where: Cardiff, merch station
What: Opie and Meaghan handle the busy merch station with some chatting
Rating: PG at most
Status: Complete

Next Please! )
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For Aine: [22 Jan 2012|06:44pm]
Left on the table of the crew bus is a set of three potion bottles sitting on top of a healer journal. Propped up against the bottles is a white envelope with the name Onya written on it in Cade's handwriting with the following note inside.

The note... )
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[ viewing | January 22nd, 2012 ]
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