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Weird Sisters PSL

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[20 Jan 2012|08:19am]
Who: Cade and Danny.
What: Cade arrives to check on his patients on his first day.
Where: The crew bus.
When: Friday, January 20, 1995, around noon.
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Complete.
Warning: Er, beware of homophobia in this thread. I'm sorry /o\ The beliefs expressed in this thread do not in any way reflect the beliefs of either player.

Somehow, Cade had gotten the idea that working for rock stars would be more exciting than this. )
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[20 Jan 2012|06:09pm]
Who: Gideon and Merton
Where: Higher Mountain Dragon Reserve Wales
When: January 20th afternoon
What: Field Trip!!!
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Merton!!! I want one... )
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[20 Jan 2012|11:57pm]
Who: Meaghan and Donaghan (now with bonus Orsino)
When: January 21, around 2pm
Where: Venue in Cardiff
What: Belligerent Gryffindors tossed into a beaker and shaken up just to see the pretty colors they make when they explode
Rating: Gryffindor (PG-13 for swearing, at best --- NC-17 for shagging in many creative ways, at worst EVEN MORE BEST) PG-13 for suresies

When I said that I'd return to you, I meant more like a relapse )
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