Weird Sisters PSL's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Weird Sisters PSL

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[08 Jan 2012|12:13am]
The Quibbler, January 1995 )
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[08 Jan 2012|05:15pm]
Who: Danny and Heathcote
What: A little bit of yelling
Where: The crew/opening-acts bus
When: 7 minutes after this.
Rating: PG-13 ish
Status: Complete

Today's the time for courage, babe. Tomorrow can be for forgiving. And if he touches you again with his stupid hands, his life won't be worth living. )
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[08 Jan 2012|05:25pm]
Witch Weekly, January 8th-14th 1995 )
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[08 Jan 2012|10:09pm]
Who: Donaghan and Ophelia
Where: The Weird Sisters Bus
What: Coffee and Cheering up
When: January 9th After this
Rating: PG i don't know well shall see
Status: In progress

Cheer up says I )
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[08 Jan 2012|10:17pm]
Who: Gerald and Tori
What: Gerald is stressed
Where: Tori's Van
When: Sunday night Jan 8th
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

He needed a drink )
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