OOC Comm for The Rock Band's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Comm for The Rock Band

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[16 Apr 2012|06:43pm]

I'm bored out of my mind so I thought a meme would serve as a good distraction. This one is the Post Secret Meme.


1) Reply with your pup(s) and their name(s).
2) Create a graphic with a secret that pertains to another pup. You may also use simple text if you don't feel like creating a graphic.
3) Respond anonymously to that particular pup with the graphic/text secret.
4) Wait for other anons to respond to you.
5) Try to guess who the secret is from.
6) If you have just a general secret, respond here anonymously with the secret so others can try to guess.

That's all! ♥
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