Weasley Twins 100

September 28th, 2007

Weasley Twins 100


September 28th, 2007

George's Plan

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Title: George's Plan
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Fred and George
Warning: Twincest

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This week's prompt

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For our first 'real' prompt, we will be going with:


It can be the first anything, for either twin or both twins together. Post as many as you want this week, and have fun with it. :)

- Harleen

Also, remember: any non-prompt drabbles are also fine, so long as it involves the twins.

Fic: Drabble: Fred's Ideal Holiday, G

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Title: Fred's Ideal Holiday
Author: Harleen [info]harleen
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Warnings: None really
Disclaimer: I don't own them and no money is being made from this.
Summary: Fred describes his ideal holiday in his own words.
Author's Notes: I had to write 100 words on Fred's ideal holiday, and I know it's not the prompt, but I wanted to share it. As for the 'pretty girls', he means Katie, he swears it! :D
All mistakes are my own. Cross-posted at my journal and at various places.

Fred's Ideal Holiday )

Their First Time

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Title: Their Fist Time
Word Count: 100 and some
Rating: G
Characters: Fred and George
Warning: none
A/N: My first non-twinicest. Yay

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