The Potting Shed

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Week 3 Feb. 7th, 2012 @ 06:06 pm
What a week - winter has finally arrived with shivers and snow. But, we brightened ourselves up with some lovely plants of the week.

On Friday, Jean drew the short straw for both bulb and shrub for February, and she told us about Muscari and Skimmia. On Tuesday, Robert told us about snowdrops, and Sheila introduced us to Winter Aconites, Eranthis.

Snowdrops (Galanthus) are already at Photobucket from last week, but the others are in the usual place:

Eranthis, Muscari and Skimmia

Also on that Photobucket link, you will find images of Phalaenopsis Blue Mystique, syn Royal Family. This is a blue Phalaenopsis, created by a patented process that does not involve painting, spraying or hybridizing. What it does involve is injecting dye into the flowering stem of a white Phalaenopsis. It seems that these are selling for twice the price of undyed plants. So, what do you think about that?

There were queries about where to buy some of the rarer Eranthis - both the white ones in particular. This nursery, Rare Plants, supplies them:

I had to use the search facility, because Eranthis don't appear on the menu list, but they are there.

Also, Crug Farm have Eranthis pinnatifida:

Edrom Nurseries have a range that includes E. pinnatifida:

Wallet warning - the unusual ones aren't cheap!

Our sites of the week are here:

Sites of the Week 3 )

Our main topic for the week was The Garden in February. Here's the handout:

The Garden in February )

We also lookad at some items of news - here they are:

Moss under the microscope )

Carbon emissions to defer the Ice Age? )

Galanthophiles )

Next week, we're going to look at Pruning, so don't forget to do the homework!

Stay warm!

Current Mood: hungry
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