The Potting Shed

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Week 9 - Plant of the Week - Salvia officinalis Jun. 22nd, 2008 @ 09:26 am
Our shrub of the week for week 9 is Salvia officinalis, the Common Sage, which has a lot more to offer in the flower border than might be expected.

Here's the handout:

Salvia officinalis )

And here are the images, of a surprising number of varieties, at Photobucket, as ever. I'm afraid it won't accept the three we had difficulty with, 'Jade Ice', 'Rosea' and the S.interrupta hybrid. I'll try to find alternates.

Salvia officinalis

Current Mood: productive

Week 8 - Shrub of the week - Kolkwitzia amabilis Jun. 11th, 2008 @ 09:14 pm
For week 8, we looked at another member of the Caprifoliaceae, the one with the difficult name, Kolkwitzia amabilis.

Here's the handout:

Kolkwitzia amabilis )

Images are at photobucket - and by the way, all the images go into the same album, and if you want to see those from earlier in the term, you'll have to scroll back through the later ones, just like turning the pages if you're starting a photo album from the back...

Kolkwitzia amabilis

Current Mood: relaxed

Week 7 - Shrub of the week - Deutzia Jun. 11th, 2008 @ 09:04 pm
Our shrub of the week for week 7 was Deutzia, with its delicate flowers that are carried in such profusion.

Here's the handout:

Deutzia )

Images, as ever, at Photobucket


It's gorgeous.

Current Mood: nostalgic

Week 6 - Shrub of the Week - Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' Jun. 11th, 2008 @ 08:51 pm
Our shrub of the week for week 6 was Syringa meyeri 'Palibin, the gorgeous Korean Dwarf Lilac. Unhappily, the plant I brought in was stolen before I'd had it a fortnight, so I had a stuck out lower lip for a while... I now have another, although it's a darker lilac than my original, which had delicate pale pink flowers. So, I'm still slightly sulky.

Here's the handout:

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' )

Images are at photobucket:

Dwarf Korean Lilac

Enjoy it

Current Mood: cranky

Week 5 - Shrub of the Week - Viburnum carlesii Jun. 11th, 2008 @ 08:43 pm
Our shrub of the week for week 5 was the very lovely, and extremely fragrant, Viburnum carlesii.

Here's the handout:

Viburnum carlesii )

Images are at the faithful photobucket:

Viburnum carlesii

If you want spring fragrance, see whether you've got room for it.

Current Mood: lethargic
Other entries
» Week 4 - Shrub of the week - Sambucus racemosa 'Plumosa Aurea'
Our shrub of the week for week 4 was the golden red-berried cut-leaved elder (I think you can shuffle those adjectives into any order you feel comfortable with)

Here's the handout:

Sambucus racemosa 'Plumosa Aurea' )
» Week 3 - Plant of the Week - Exochorda 'The Bride'
Our shrub of the week for week 3 was Exochorda 'The Bride'. It's a very lovely thing. Here's the handout:

Exochorda 'The Bride' )

Images are at Photobucket:


Find it and enjoy it.

» Week 2 - Plant of the week - Weigela middendorffiana
Our plant of the week for week 2 was Weigela middendorffiana, which is just a little different from the other weigelas.

Here's the handout:

Weigela middendorffiana )

It's a little shrub that's well worth looking out for. Images are at Photobucket:

Weigela middendorffiana

» Week 10 - Shrub of the Week - Pittosporum
Our shrub of the week for week 10 is Pittosporum.

Here's the handout:

Pittosporum handout )

Images are at Photobucket:


» Week 9 - Shrub of the Week - Osmanthus
Our shrub of the week for week 9 is the evergreen Osmanthus delavayi.

Here's the handout.

Osmanthus delavayi )

And here are the pictures of O. delavayi and some of its relatives

Osmanthus delavayi and its relatives

» Week 8 - Shrub of the week - Box
Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? Do you realise we've reached Week 8? Only another 3 to go.

I hope I've got everything to hand to make these entries this week, but half my documents seem to be on one computer, and half on the other, so it's a bit testing, just now.

Our shrub of the week - another special request - is Buxus, or Box. Here's the handout:

Box handout )

There are no images this week because, frankly, it's hard to tell the difference in a picture.

Nevertheless, there are differences, and it's worth having a look around. The lovely 'Elegantissima' is a particular favourite of mine.

» Week 7 - Shrub of the week - Kalmia
Kalmia is something we haven't talked about before, partly because of its restricted availability, and partly because of its restrictive requirements. But it's a very pretty plant indeed, and there was a special request. So, here it is.

Kalmia handout )

Pictures at Photobucket:


» Week 6 - Shrubof the week - Sarcococca
Our shrub of the week this week is Sarcococca.

Here's the handout:

Sarcococca handout )

Images are at Photobucket:


» Week 5 - Shrub of the week - Pieris japonica
I'm sorry this is late, but as some of you know, I'm currently gnashing my teeth and in between computers. It's a long story, and very boring.

After the excellent Xmas lunch, the week now runs differently, so the Friday groups start the subject week. I shall be confused right the way through to the end of the term. I'm easily confused...

Our shrub of the week is Pieris japonica, and the links to the handout and the images are below. (The images are on a different computer, so won't be there immediately. I'll upload them as soon as possible).

I've chosen to do Pieris for a couple of reasons. It isn't immediately in season, except that it's an evergreen, so is still looking good. But, the new shoots and the flowers will start to come to prominence during our Easter break, and so we might miss out on them if I'm not careful. Also, the supermarkets in particular are likely to start getting small pieris in any time now. So, it seemed appropriate to squeeze it in now.

There isn't an uploadable handout for the main topic, which is growing plants from seed. The electronic version was lost long ago, and I shall have to find the time to retype it... A job for another day. However, we should note that the Friday groups got nowhere near finishing the subject, so it will spread over into the following week.

Don't forget the homework for this, which was to decide what plants you would like to grow from seed this year.

Pieris japonica handout )

Images of Pieris japonica cultivars

» Week 4 - Shrub of the week - Abeliophyllum
Our shrub of the week this week is an unusual one, but one that is worth hunting out, especially as it's almost extinct in the wild.

It's Abeliophyllum, or White Forsythia.

Abeliophyllum handout )

Pictures can be had at Photobucket as usual:


» Week 3 : Shrub of the week - Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Welcome to our new journal. I shall still be updating at Greatest Journal, but I suspect that it won't last long. So, we're here for the foreseeable future, I think.

Our shrub of the week for week 3 is Corylus avellana 'Contorta', the Corkscrew Hazel.

Corylus avellana 'Contorta'handout )

Images are at Photobucket:

Corylus avellana 'Contorta' images

Go and enjoy.

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