The Potting Shed

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Week 8 - Pruning Feb. 28th, 2008 @ 05:29 pm
Our main topic this week is really two, joined together. We're going to have a look at Pruning, and we're going to look at choosing smaller trees and shrubs for smaller gardens. I'll do pruning in this entry, and the smaller trees in the next one.

Our main handout is a 6 page table showing the pruning requirements for dozens of shrubs and climbers. Unfortunately, tables don't come out on a journal, or if they do, I don't know how to do that, so you're just going to have to turn up to get that handout! But, here are the others.

Pruning Groups )

Pruning clematis )

Pruning wisteria )

There! With the table showing each shrub's needs, you should be all kitted out.

Current Mood: tired
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