The Potting Shed - July 4th, 2009

About July 4th, 2009

Week 10 - Plant of the Week - Gladiolus 03:45 pm
Our plant of the week this week is that much maligned genus, Gladiolus. We approached it as a mystery plant - I just showed the unlabelled images of the species, which turned out to be very diverse and beautiful, and then we discussed which genus that might be.

Here are the images again. You'll see the species first, and then a small selection of some of the ones more normally in cultivation.


And here's the handout. Don't forget to check out some of the links:

Gladiolus )

Think better of Gladioli now?

Current Mood: lethargic

Week 10 - Winter garden 03:58 pm
Strange as it may seem, we included a discussion of the garden in winter as our main topic, here in midsummer. But, as we said, in order to enjoy a garden in winter, you have to start planning early.

Here are the handouts:

The Living Winter Garden )

Winter Crops )

Winter Interest )

Current Mood: restless
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