OOC Shenanigans for The Warrant

April 2016


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November 30th, 2015



read me, please! drive by mod note.


because you guys will see enough of the mod journal tomorrow: i wanted to drop a reminder that while the AC is really lax, there IS a certain level of activity expected. if making one piece of activity in a whole month is impossible, then unfortunately, cutting characters in order to allow for new players the chance to play is the next step — or i will have to increase the activity requirements. i completely understand swamped schedules; we all have lives outside this, and they get hectic. with this said, there are some characters who have not posted at all since game start, or who have been simply skating by on very minimal activity while the game goes on.

i had capped the players at 20 because i'd been warned more would be too many for a single mod, but with only a certain percentage of the game being active, i would like it to be fair to everyone else looking for a chance to play while i find this manageable. in all honesty, i had not expected the influx of interest in the wait list for new players.

because of this, i'm going to boost the max players up to 25 with the AC going up tomorrow. and while i don't want to be That Mod, i will be cutting characters who do not meet this month's AC. i'm also going to be upping the current position caps to be available to prospective players ONLY atm:

+1 new medic slot for bahama mama
+1 new engineer slot for tequila sunrise
+1 new gunner slot for both bahama mama & b52
if you have any comments or concerns, all comments are screened. ♥