Hello people! I'm Hannah, some of you know me already and are used to my crazy, mwahahahaha! To the rest of you, oh hi!
I'm bringing in two pups for starters. First up is this lady, Doctor Martha Jones from Doctor Who. She's from post series four of the new series, and is an officer in UNIT: the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, aka the badass military defenders of the Earth! She once traveled with the Doctor, making her one of the group known as the Children of Time. Not much phases her much these days, even dimensional travel.
Also along for the ride is Gwen Raiden (sparkingfreak) from Angel. She's from around the time of season 5 of Angel and is the original electric thief from Wolfram and Hart. She had an interesting relationship with the team of Angel Investigation, helping and hindering them in equal measures. An old hand in the world of demons and magic, she's sarcastic, morally dubious and will always look out for number one first.