Since your best argument when you disagree with someone or have nothing to say always seems to be the fact that you were not previously in a conversation with a person, now you are in a conversation with me with no possible outsiders left to interefere.
As I mentioned before, I understand that you're an insolent, whiny, melodramatic teenage brat. But what is it exactly that makes you want to continually bring up one bad day you had well over a week ago to anyone that will listen for five seconds? Did it cause you physical harm to be corrected or told you were rude? I doubt it. Your pride might've been hurt, your ego, you may be embarrassed....but you weren't harmed.
The only reason anyone is even still thinking about this is your incessant need to bring it up. If you'd grow up for five seconds, you might see it's not that big of a deal and get over it. I'm pretty sure the only thing I've seen from you is you whining about how mean people here are. You really need to grow some thicker skin, kid, because you're never gonna make it if you don't. People were willing to excuse the bratty attitude when you first got here because it's new and scary and no one really knows how to act when they first get here, and maybe some people always will excuse it, but honestly, there's going to be a point where for the majority it's not acceptable, so I suggest you straighten it up before then.
You're acting like a victim when, after the initial incident, you're just being an instigator by constantly repeating how rude and mean and horrible people here have been to you. Congratulations, you're as petty and otherwise poorly behaved as everyone you're trash-talking. Good job.