War Is Coming Communications.

October 26th, 2015

October 26th, 2015

Filtered against evil

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So have all the bad Gremlins been caught? Or do we have any more weird stuff like that and the tomatoes? I heard someone mentioned clowns but that doesn't seem too out there. But hey, if there's still gremlins about, I can help. One option is to use a levitation charm. An animal can't really run too far if he's stuck floating in mid air. Actually.. hey Alica, didn't you have one? You could possibly try that, though you might have done so already.

But the tomatoes. Damn. I'm not even a veggies type guy and that already scars me a bit. Giant freaky tomato with angry face and.. no. Just, no. Very relieved that was dealt with quickly. But if most of these things are handled now and there's nothing pressing, I'm going to go practice some archery. I know us wizards can make magic arrows but I want to practice with the real stuff first.

No evil

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I think Lydia was sent home. I noticed that I hadn't seen her around the apartments or leaving from it as she normally did so I went to check the room.. empty. I'm not sure if there's any remaining people from Beacon Hills now.. but if there are, just thought you should know. I haven't watched her show lately but I hope she will be alright back home

Little less of a week now til Halloween. Anyone planning parties for it? I'd heard that Alicia and Angelina were setting one up, curious if there's others too. I could help set up decorations if needed, or getting supplies for various games. I'm due for welcome patrol shift tomorrow, but I should be free after that.
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