War Is Coming Communications.

October 30th, 2014

October 30th, 2014

No evil or known threats

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Finally. My house is all cleaned up. All done with magic of course. Each room. But yeah, everything looks good as new just as I'd left it. Also.. I put all the magical wardings I know that I'd put on it before, on the building so it's safe again.

I would like to request something, though. Any magic users. From my world, but not limited to that, it's for anyone capable of protection magic. I'd like to ask for some magic protection to be added on to the ones I'd already placed, layered. I promise I will do my best to repay the favor whenever I can. My house is located here [address].

[Regina Mills + Lydia Bennet and her sisters]
Hey, Scor here. There's going to be a Halloween Feast on Saturday, which Ginny Weasley had spoken of. We're allowed to invite others, so if you'd want to come along too, it's cool. I think it'd be fine if you bring two to three others (family, buddies, people who live in your place that you're close with) with you if you'd want. Just let me know so I can tell the Hogwarts folk how many plates are needed for the table. If you'd want to, though I understand if you might have other plans for Saturday. But the offer is open. :)

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Is this some kinda fucking sick joke?! What the fuck? Tate?

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I met someone today who works at the gallery at the university. Apparently, there is work available there. At this point I'm willing to try anything.

[Enjolras and Eponine]

How long will you be gone, for?
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