Caroline was on her way to a breakdown, and if this didn't work, if they lost Bonnie then it was inevitable. She was a bit farther back from her friends as they went into the building. She was keeping an eye out for anything that was out of the ordinary, anything which was strange or would pose a danger to them. Never had she been more grateful to be a vampire than she was in this moment. At least she could use her powers for something now.
She was somewhat surprised Elphaba still trusted her after her outburst at the witches shop. Caroline didn't even trust herself, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was Bonnie and getting Bonnie out of this situation.
In all honesty Caroline was furious with the rest of the city, everyone else was at a wedding while Bonnie could be dead. If it was one of their group of course they'd be out looking but no, no it wasn't so they weren't. Caroline had no intentions of helping them next time they needed it, unless her friends were in danger.
Caroline could feel the veins form around her eyes out of anger and frustration, and she took a deep breath trying her best to stay calm - she could vamp out later, if not here then she'd go hunting with Spike after.