WHO: Sam & Adam WHAT: Adam wants a burger, Sam wants to make sure that his sudden brother outta nowhere isn't actually a monster from Hell. WHEN: Early evening. Backdated to a few days ago. WHERE: A restaurant. RATING: PG-13.
The restaurant that Sam had told Adam to meet him at was decent. The food was quality, the service was decent, and it was never too packed whenever Sam dropped by. He sometimes came out to the place to pick up fries for Ruby or to grab a quick meal for himself, so the lay of the land was familiar enough. Sam needed that, especially now. Meeting someone new - someone that was claiming to be his half brother that he had never known about before, at that - was something that Sam felt he had to be more than careful with. If this Adam kid really wasn't who he said he was, he'd be screwed. That was exactly why Sam had gone well out of his way to make sure that he wasn't alone when he pulled up to the restaurant. Nope, he had his three best friends tagging along with him - Holy Water, Silver, and good ol' Taurus PT99. Sam would have been more comfortable walking into this meet-up with Dean at his side, but Dean didn't really seem to be in the position to be handling something like this right now. Coming back from the dead, having to cope with amnesia, and getting used to the fact that half of his formerly deceased family happened to be back among the living was difficult enough as it was. Throwing Adam at him on top of that? Yeah, no. That could wait until later. Much, much later.
Pushing into the restaurant, Sam slid into the nearest booth and ordered a pair of waters. Simple. He didn't know Adam (or the fact that he had even existed up until now), but water was a pretty universal thing. It also worked well when one decided to mix other liquids into it. Like holy water, for example. Doing well to make sure that no one was paying him any mind, Sam slipped the flask from his pocket and tipped some of the holy water into Adam's glass. Then he switched the glass around to Adam's side of the booth, shoved the flask away, and waited.
Sam poked at the menu in front of himself. He tried not to pay it too much attention, as he was supposed to be on alert until it was verified that Adam wasn't some kind of monster. It was still difficult to keep himself from eying the various foods decorating the cover. Epiphany's damned potion. Just when he had thought that he was past the whole munchies stage of his 'medication', the whole thing threw itself right on into his lap again. Biting down onto his lip, Sam flipped the menu over. The bacon cheeseburger printed across the back side immediately made his stomach lurch. In a good way.