War Is Coming RPG.

February 23rd, 2011

February 23rd, 2011

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WHO: Siri Tachi, Luke Skywalker
WHAT: Siri and Luke try to fill the blanks of their lives. Except not even at all poetically.
WHEN: (Forward-dated) Wednesday morning, Feb. 23
WHERE: Luke's apartment in the complex
RATING: Low. Maybe MI for Mutual Impatience.

When Siri had told Luke that she had mostly been keeping to herself, she wasn't lying. )

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Who: Han and Jacen Solo
What: Father meets similarly aged son.
Where: Outside the Complex.
When: Evening of the 22nd.
Rating: TBD Not hugely high
Status: In Progress.

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WHO: Sam Winchester & Lucifer ; narrative, unless Ruby wants to hop in?
WHAT: Time for a chat.
WHEN: Middle of the night.
WHERE: Inside of Sam's head, which is currently resting in Greece.

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