War Is Coming RPG.

July 27th, 2010

July 27th, 2010

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Who? Chuck'n'Jo
What? Soup, sandwiches, alcohol, and angst.
Where? The Roadhouse
When? After this network post.
Rating? Mild to moderate? Angst and alcoholic beverages, probably.

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Who: Richie and Virgil
What: Visits
When: Backdated to last night.
Where: Medbay
Why: Becuase visits need to happen, Richie needs to bring ZapCaps and Virgil DESPERATELY needs a recharge
Status: Closed, incomplete

He wanted to hug him, slap him on the back, but was afraid that he'd hurt him if he was so de-charged... )

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WHO: Epiphany Greaves and OPEN!
WHAT: Epiphany is new in town.
WHEN: Night, February 27th.
WHERE: The sidewalks of Lawrence.
WARNINGS: Language. Epiphany uses it.

Most girls would be worried being in an area like that, alone, in the middle of the night. )
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