Who: Kate and Adam What: Fights over, Adam's mind is back, time to check up on Kate who lost the fight on Adam going to Glory When: Night, after the fight Where: Kate's apartment Rating: PG maybe, Kate swears Status: Incomplete
When she had learned that Adam was going to try to go to Glory, Kate had immediately set her mind to distracting him. Something called to him thought. What it was, she didn't know. As much as she tried to distract him, Kate soon found herself in a fight against Adam, and she could only put a half effort into it. She couldn't bring herself to really fight him, not when he was like this. Silly Kate, should have known better. Her father would have given her a lecture about that one. But it was Adam, she just...couldn't.
As a result, the werewolf had lost the fight to the half-demon, and while Adam was off to find the god, Kate was smack on her living room floor, trying to ignore the searing pain in her arms. There were a few hand-print shaped burns on her arms, some worse than other, but nothing too horrible that she had to go to the hospital. And good thing to, she couldn't explain her weird blood or rapid healing either.
Her mother had told her once about the time she had met Adam, and how she had got too close to him when he was mad. She'd been burned. Though Kate, as far as she could remember, had never been burned by Adam before, now understood the warning her mother had given her, just in case.
Some point after the fight, hours later maybe, Kate had made her way to her kitchen, stepping over a few pieces of shattered glass and dishes, to the first aid kit she kept ontop of the fridge. After she managed to get down, she pulled out the dry bandages, wincing as she did so. Wrapping these was going to be a bitch with both arms burned. Gritting her teeth, she pulled out the white fabric, and started on her left arm.