February 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

Are there any non-sol panfandom games out there?



[No Subject]

Looking to play in Doctor Who, Star Trek TOS, Star Trek: Voyager, Glee, Queer as Folk (US), Torchwood, Sherlock, Star Trek: TNG, Brokeback Mountain, Twilight and Bandom: Duran Duran.

I also wouldn't mind resurrecting old PSLs as my muse seems to have returned, so if I was playing with you before and you'd like to pick back up, drop me a line.

Details here



[No Subject]

Hi! Putting out feelers -- any games out there looking for an MCU Aunt May? She'd be a new character for me, but I've RPed for many years now. You can look around this journal to get an idea about me. Willing to play on DW! ♥



[No Subject]

looking for a black canary to write with. Open to movies show or comic lore.