March 27th, 2018



[No Subject]


The year is 2034 and the wealthy have dominated what was once the United States. A new class system has risen separating the rich and the poor. The Rich have become the master (Dominus) class, and the poor have become the servant (Servus) class.

Now in Dallas, Texas, the citizens are trying their best to survive and the question that lies unanswered is: will you?


The Mastery is a futuristic original character master/slave gpsl. It deals with mature content such as violence, sexual content, and mature language. Players must be 18+ to apply.

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X-Men Movieverse RP


but·ter·fly ef·fect
noun: butterfly effect; plural noun: butterfly effects
(with reference to chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.

The past is set in stone, right?

Except it's not.

In 2018 and in the midst of a hellish, dystopian reality, Logan, with the help of Shadowcat, sent his consciousness to the past in order to change the future. When he returned, it seemed he had succeeded. Almost too well.

The ripples in time created by one change resulted in friends, once deceased, being alive once again. A Cure was never created. And the X-Men and the Brotherhood never fought to the death at Alcatraz. Small changes with lasting effects. Logan found himself in a Brave New World.

Now, in this new future, while everything looks perfect at first glance, the Legacy Virus has emerged, causing a new widespread panic about mutants mingling with humans. And mutants, once again, have something to join forces about.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Set to start at the end of Days of Future Past, when Logan arrives in a future he helped create, Brave New World uses X1 and elements of X2 as canon. We are a player and plot driven game just starting out and looking for new members.





Every small town has its skeletons. The governor who skims off the top; the school teacher having an affair with the pastor. Wellspring, Alberta is not immune to such rumors, nor is it a stranger to stirrings darker and more ominous. People will scoff, they'll avert their gaze when asked, but public record shows the occurrence of something mysterious every twenty-odd years.

It begins with a culling of the local deer population. Cases that can't be written off as vehicular accidents are deemed 'maulings' in the local paper. Some folks have the gall to see the whole ordeal as a positive thing. What the papers don't tell you is how the deer are found strung up in trees like macabre Christmas decorations. Animal deaths escalate until, at last, human disappearances add to the strange mix.

Within a few months, things have calmed and people are prone to forgetting. Moving on. But for those whose lives are irrevocably touched by the terror that arises every twenty years, it becomes harder and harder not to stare into the darkness in search of answers.



X-Project - An X-Men/MCU RPG on Dreamwidth



Established in May 2003, X-Project is a journal-based RPG now on Dreamwidth. We use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

In January 2015, X-Project underwent a relaunch, which expanded the pool of usable concepts to all of the Marvel properties, regardless of who holds the licence. Using the X-Men franchise as a base, we are now pulling in elements from the MCU, Spider-Verse and other properties. We are also now on Dreamwidth, as of April 2017.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

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[No Subject]

i'm looking for someone to come with to [info]theshadowbefore, i've got one or two things in mind! )