December 26th, 2016



[No Subject]


the return to Willowbrook

Long after being shut down for its cruel experiments, the mutant secret has come to light. During a time of turmoil and transition, the newly outed mutants are looking for a safe haven. A facility built to house such people has long since been abandoned, but the space and technology are greatly needed once more, though this time to aid rather than to harm. With the help of both government and private funds, Willowbrook's doors open once more, though this time with a mutant at the helm. Renamed New Haven, the site is a work in progress, but offers mutants in need a safe place during the coming days while the world decides what to do with the knowledge that extraordinary people live among them.


[info]anewhavenrpg via [info]anewhavenmods




Granted - a new panfandom game

What would you give up to have your greatest wish granted?

People make wishes every day. Some are simple. Some are complex. And some are downright impossible to achieve. What would you do to make your wish come true?

Granted is a multi fandom game loosely based on Djinn mythology. Unlike most jamjars, characters will be arriving by choice in order to have a specific wish granted. Of course, the djinn are well known tricksters, so things might not be as easy as they were presented. And at the end of that one year term,they may find a reason not to send you home.

Game opens January 1st. Characters who join before the game starts may have up to six months of history in the village.


[No Subject]

does anyone play alternative girls anymore? (piercings, tattoos) porn stars or ex with that alternative look? any model in general with that look?



[No Subject]

I should really stop binge reading Let's Not Meet so I'm looking for a supernatural, fantasy, science fiction, etc. home, with lines would be nice. Primarily I want to house my flirty werelioness here PB Amber Heard, but I also have a musically gifted ingenue PB (older pics of) Imogen Poots or Emmy Rossum. The latter face and species are a little negotiable, the former is not. Psls also considered. What's out there?