November 13th, 2016



St. Margaret's Academy - A Supernatural High School RPG

St. Margaret's Academy
not your average boarding school
Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

The '16 - '17 academic year is well underway and students are preparing for the end of the first term. Thanksgiving approaches with the winter holidays shortly on its tail. It's a time for cheer and excitement, but also tests and projects coming to a close. Winter approaches but fall still welcomes new faces amongst a growing student body. St. Margaret's happily moves along, though after the events of previous years, there's always some sort of unease as to what might crop up. They're all hoping for a peaceful holiday season, and maybe this year they'll get just that.
Open since 2013, St. Margaret's Academy is now looking for more great RPers and fresh faces to add to the fun. We're a fun and laid back group. Enrol your progeny today!



[No Subject]

Shortcut here is a teleporter and part of a family gang of super criminals and mercenaries (think DC's Royal Flush Gang). The group has recently lost some of their muscle in a job gone bad and have set their eyes on recruiting your guy as a replacement. Alternatively, Shortcut would love to play around with a hero that can't quite bring himself to arrest Shortcut.

Slash and threading please.



[No Subject]

looking for a Joker for my Harley ([info]vexing) over at [info]modsofsalem or just psl fun times. the only catch is that I don't really SHIP them, I feel their relationship is messed up and want to explore that more. Also looking for anyone from Suicide Squad for friend-lines, or a Deadshot for a maybe more-than-friends line. Poison Ivy also welcome!

Also, wanting a Misfits line-- Simon/Alisha. Comfortable playing either character-- but I do have the journal [info]superhoodie waiting and ready.



The Trials: Season 1!

AUDITION NOW! Ages 18+ wanted for New Exciting TV Show!
The Trials: Season 1
TV company looking for adults to take part in the next level of real life television.

International search for contestants to take part in twenty-three week contest with the chance of winning a BIG CASH PRIZE!

Are you:
Between 18 and 60 years old,
fluent in English,
in reasonably good shape,
and willing to try new things?


Fill out this form!

located @ THE TRIALS: Season 1