October 15th, 2016




Pastiche: An incongruous combination of materials, forms, motifs, etc., taken from different sources; hodgepodge.
It all started with a story. Several really, each one evolving in their own little reality in time and space. Everything seemed to be perfectly normal in each reality... And then people began to vanish. A mysterious cult known only as the Abyssimus had somehow become established in multiple realities, picking their targets wisely in order to utilize their powers for the own ends. Their goal? To recreate existence in their own twisted image. Worlds began to collapse from the sheer power they were using with survivors straggling across the multiverse.

Their existence shrouded in darkness on multiple planes, the cult forced heroes from different realities to confront each other to keep them off their trail. Many fell to the ploys of the cult, spending more time battling each other than looking for the real source of the problem. But there was still hope. A mysterious group of benefactors with untold power stepped in to give aid to those trying to save the multiverse.

...They all screwed up. Bad.

The damage was done and the would be saviors saved who they could, merging the remains of the multiverse graveyard to house everyone they could in a singular and mostly stable reality. Unfortunately, Abyssimus, which survived the destruction, quickly did the same in the hopes of causing enough chaos to allow them time to try again with what remained.

A new reality was born, one with heroes, demons, aliens, and more. Histories are similar, yet different... and in the dark corners where no one dare venture, Abyssimus still lurks.

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[No Subject]

anon holds, holds, come back! arden cho! literally almost everyone is here, where are you? [info]jeffdavis



[No Subject]

an original fantasy rpg
Magic has been one of the best kept secrets of our time. It comes in all shapes and forms, but has always been considered dangerous. Because of this, it has also been feared, causing many to suffer at the hands of those that wished to see magic users rid from this world. To counter this crisis, a secret guild was born. At first it was merely a small group, a name whispered in the shadows, but over the centuries it has grown into a full fledged organization ─ one capable of keeping up with modern times. The Magic Eye ─ usually only referred to as The Eye ─ grew from men and women swearing their lives to protect the secret of magic, to a network of individuals that not only protected the secret, but wielded it as well. Like any magic trick, it is done in plan sight, using only distraction as a way to keep others ignorant to what's really going on. This is how The Eye has managed to remain throughout the centuries, taking on the appearance of something much more innocent in recent years.

Magic has become a lost art, a talent that some try to ignore. But fake magic ─ street magic ─ has become a source of entertainment. Grand shows and extravagant acts are performed by those claiming to be magicians, while usually containing no real magic at all. This is The Eye's weapon, blending real magic with pretend for not only protection, but gain as well.

Everyone loves a good show, and The Eye is willing to give just that, in the form of a street magic troupe. Individuals from all walks of life, whether magical or otherwise, have come together to learn an art form that requires skill and illusion to confuse and bewilder the masses. Not just for entertainment though, The Eye also deals a great handful of justice to those who are found deserving of such. An invisible Robin Hood, The Eye acts as judge, jury, and executioner to the wealth and property of unworthy individuals. While the Guild may never know the reason for their target, they can rest assured that The Eye has deemed them unfit to profit from their acts.

The Eye's entertainers are a loyal group, though there will always be questions. The most common one being: Who is The Eye? But a more interesting question might also be proposed: What is The Eye's true purpose now?
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OPENING 10/22!



[No Subject]

[info]sauvagecity Pack members? Friends? Potentially his 'father', the man who turned him into a werewolf. I'm seeing him as a long haired, bearded Hugh Jackman. He has a name but I'm willing to change that and I'm not married to the playby.



[No Subject]

[info]pastiche Would love to see other Mr. Robot characters, especially Darlene, Angela and Shayla. Someone else would be welcome to, even if he is a altered delusion. Basically, Elliot is lonely and needs his peoples around.



Veiled World - Actively recruiting Humans, Hunters & Vampires


Veiled World

The supernatural is all around us, vampires and werewolves live next door to you and to be honest, your senator's likely a vampire, incubi and merfolk serve you coffee in your favourite coffee shop . That alternative looking woman that runs the herbal shop down the road? She's a sixth generation witch. The bank manager that sort of weirded you out but looked excited when you handed over your family jewels to put in a safety deposit box? Yeah... good luck getting that back: you just handed grandma's gold to a dragon.

The Supernatural Government kept peace for years, brokering a tentative peace between all of the supernatural races and making sure that they stayed out of the light, as it were, out of sight. Ten years ago, a number of the elected officials were executed, assassinated by an unknown party. The peace that had been on a knife's edge was shattered and now the supernatural world is at war within itself. It's an underground war, but a war all the same.

Welcome to the war.
Can you survive?

Whose side are you on?
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