September 6th, 2016



Evairlast - Diamonds and Zombies last forever

RESIDENT EVIL GPSL - INFORMATION @ [info]evairlastooc and [info]evairlast



[No Subject]

I’m offering up my first born (and cookies) to anyone interested in a gangster line. I’m talking tommy guns and Cadillac’s, fedoras, lounge singers and bootlegging. A P.I. who smells shit in a case and finds himself up to his eyeballs in the stuff. A dame (or dude) who was clearly trouble from the moment they walked through his door. All that good Noir stuff.

Could be het or slash, but I’m looking for someone to play the P.I. character.

Also, through a random playlist turn, I’ve been binge dancing to some old DBSK. I’d sell what’s left of my soul for a (mature, preferably not ‘k-drama OTT’) slash line for my old Jaejoong PB. Totally open on faces to play against him; doesn't need to be group mates (or even Korean).

Any takers?

[No Subject]

Looking to join a panfandom community for one of the below characters. I would SUPER love to join a place with some fandom-mates already there (or join with a buddy). Let me know if there's any interest/recs!

Columbus (Zombieland)
Sherlock (BBC Sherlock)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Loki (MCU)
Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon Crystal)